Lord in the arabic language means Rabb

What does Rabb means?

The arabs used to use this word in many context, for example Rabbul Bait (the owner of the house). But now, it is not befitting to call them the Rabb of a person (slave).

Usage of the word Rabb

  1. If the word is preceeded by Alif Lam, it can only be used for Allah. It’s Muaraf. Ex: ‘S_ubhana Rabiyal A’la Wabihamdihi_’
  2. Rabb as an owner of something. Ex: ‘Rabb of this camel’, Yes we can use this, it has been mentioned in a hadith when a companion asked prophet about a lost camel. Therefore, it is fine to use when we attribute it in reference to something without intellect.
  3. It is prohibited to use when we attribute it with someone with intellect (humans)