Allah the Most Exalted said: “Say (O Muhammad (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) ): I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilah (God) is One Ilah (God -i.e. Allah). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.”

Correlation with the topic: doing a deed that supposedly for Allah only but the intentions in the heart has changed towards other than Allah.

Hadith Qudsi is when the Prophet is quoting Allah but is not a verse of the Qur’an.

2 Types of Riya’

  1. Riya’ of the Munafeeqeen

    Doing actions not for Allah, rather for the people to see.

  2. Riya’ when someone is doing an act of worship / a good deed

    Example, you are performing your prayer, and someone came along, and you start perfecting your salah because you are aware that other people are watching.

    How do i know whether my ibadah is still in tact? As long as you are consciously fighting the whispers of shaytan, you are InsyaAllah upon good.


  1. Only desiring the portion of the dunya, the actions will be nullified

  1. Intends for Allah & also intends a portion of this dunya.

There are differences if opinion, some scholars use the verse (2:197) on hajj evidence that it is okay to do so.

A large group of scholars view is to check the primary intention of the person. As long as the main intention of doing the act of worship is to seek the face of Allah, then it is perfectly fine.

  1. To obey one beside Allah in making halal in what Allah has made haram, and vice versa.

The belief of ahlusunnah wal jamaati : rulers should be obeyed as long as they are not against the rules of Allah

Seeking judgment from other than Allah and His Messenger is Hypocrisisy

Judging off by other than the book of Allah is a form of corruption.

Chapter 40

Ali : whoever negates a word from the quran has apostated. Take this as a principle.


  1. We affirm for Allah that which He has affirm for himself & what the Prophet has affirmed for his Lord.
  2. Alhlussunnah wal jamaah understand Allah’s attributes and names in he light of the Arabic language. It is important for a dn indicidual to convey it in a manner that ome can understand.
  3. In the Qur’an we have verses that are Mjtasyabbih (ambiguous), and then there are verses that are clear cut. When you encounter ambiguous verses, take it back to the verses that are clear cut. The deviants dont do this and started to interpret it in their own ways that is misguided.
  4. Not similarizing Allah’s attributes with Allah’s creations. We accept the verse but Allah knows best of what it means. Example : angels have hearts but you cant tell exactly how it is. If you cant tell exactly about the creations of Allah, then how can you tell about Allah. Thus we accept what He has attributed to himself without falling into negating, distorting, in the light of the arabic language, falsley interpreting the apparent from these verses.
  5. The companions when they heard about the attributes of Allah, there has never been a question about it. It means they took it for the apparent. This is the ijma of the companions.

Before somone is declared a Kaafir/innovator/faasiq these factors have to be removed:

  1. Al jahl/ignorance.
  2. Doing something out of mistake/unintentionally. Example: hadith of the person in the desert and uttered a statement of kuffar, due to extreme happiness he unintentionally changed the prepositions.
  3. Doing something out of forgetfullness. Example : mixing up the terms
  4. Takweel/false interpretation
  5. Forced to in a situation where you cant escape from.