/* Node is defined as var Node = function(data) { this.data = data; this.left = null; this.right = null; }*/// This is a "method-only" submission.// You only need to complete this method.function preOrder(root) { var order = "" // Start at the root if (root == null) { return } else { order = `${root.data} ` console.log(`${root.data} `) } // Traverse left subtree if (root.left != null) { let left = preOrder(root.left) if (left) { order = order + `${left} ` // console.log("left data: ", left) } } // Traverse right subtree if (root.right != null) { let right = preOrder(root.right) if (right) { order = order + `${right} ` // console.log("right data: ", right) } } // console.log(order)}