β€œAnd whosoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart [to the true Faith with certainty i.e. what has befallen him was already written for him by Allah from the Qadar (Divine Preordainment)] and Allah is the All-Knower of everything.”

Whoever comes to Allah with a true iman, Allah will guide his heart. Often we say β€˜if you didnt do so and so, so and so wouldn’t have happened.β€˜

Ibnul Qayyim’s definition of Sabr, Patience consists of 3 pillars :

  1. Not becoming enraged upon what Allah has decreed
  2. Holding back the tongue from constantly complaining
  3. Holding back the limbs from commiting sins

The hadith above mentioned the traits of the person of kufr (minor shirk)

Often we hear people say β€˜Why me? why so and so happened to me?β€˜

When we are facing a calamity, which of the three is the cause?

  1. Because of your sins
  2. Because Allah loves you
  3. Because Allah wants to expiate your sins

The answer is we can’t say witch certainty which of the three is the cause, but we increase the probability that it is because of our sins because it will take us to a better path. We repent. If it is because of our sins, then it (Insya Allah) will be forgiven, and if it’s not, then you have nothing to lose. Your situation will get better.