In Swift, a closure is said to escape a function when it is passed as an argument to the function but is called after the function returns[1][2]. When a closure is marked as escaping in Swift, it means that the closure will outlive or leave the scope that it was passed to[3].

To indicate that a closure parameter is allowed to escape a function, you can use the @escaping keyword before the parameter’s type in the function declaration[1]. For example:

func someFunctionWithEscapingClosure(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
  // Store the closure to be called later
  someCompletionHandler = completionHandler

In the above example, the completionHandler closure is marked as escaping using the @escaping keyword. This means that the closure can be stored and called later outside the scope of the someFunctionWithEscapingClosure function[3].

The @escaping keyword is used to inform callers of a function that takes a closure that the closure might be stored or otherwise outlive the scope[3][2]. Escaping closures are commonly used for functions that perform asynchronous work and invoke the closure as a callback[3][2].

In Swift 3, non-escaping closures are the default, and escaping closures need to be marked as such using the @escaping keyword[4]. In Swift 4, the @noescape attribute was removed from the language, and @escaping became the default[4].

It’s important to note that using escaping closures can cause a strong reference cycle if you use self inside the closure[2][5]. Therefore, @escaping is like a precaution sign for a caller to stay alert when using them[5].



By Perplexity at

In Swift, an escaping closure is a closure that is passed as an argument to a function but is retained beyond the scope of that function. This means the closure “escapes” the immediate context in which it’s defined and can be stored for later execution.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate an escaping closure:

class ExampleService {
    var completionClosure: (() -> Void)?
    func fetchData(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
        // Simulating an asynchronous task
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
            // Task completed
    func doSomething() {
        fetchData {
            // This closure is executed when the asynchronous task is complete
            print("Data fetched!")
    func setCompletionClosure(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
        // Assigning the closure to a property
        completionClosure = completion
    func executeStoredClosure() {
        // Checking if the closure is stored and executing it
// Usage
let service = ExampleService()
service.doSomething() // Prints "Data fetched!"
service.setCompletionClosure {
    print("Stored closure executed!")
service.executeStoredClosure() // Prints "Stored closure executed!"

In this example:

  1. The fetchData function takes an escaping closure as a parameter, simulating an asynchronous task.
  2. The doSomething function calls fetchData and provides a closure to be executed when the data is fetched.
  3. The setCompletionClosure function stores a closure for later execution.
  4. The executeStoredClosure function checks if there’s a stored closure and executes it.

Real-world scenarios where escaping closures are commonly used include:

  • Network Requests:

    • When making asynchronous network requests, escaping closures are often used to handle the completion of the request once the data is received.
  • Asynchronous Operations:

    • When dealing with asynchronous tasks like animations, fetching data, or performing background tasks, escaping closures are essential to execute code after the task completes.
  • Delegation:

    • Escaping closures are sometimes used as an alternative to delegation patterns, allowing an object to provide a callback when an operation is complete.
protocol TaskDelegate: AnyObject {
    func taskCompleted()
class TaskManager {
    var delegate: TaskDelegate?
    func performTask(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
        // Simulating an asynchronous task
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
            // Task completed
            // Informing the delegate if available
// Usage
let manager = TaskManager()
manager.delegate = SomeObjectConformingToTaskDelegate()
manager.performTask {
    print("Task completed!")

In summary, escaping closures are a powerful feature in Swift, especially in scenarios where asynchronous behavior or delayed execution is involved. They provide flexibility and allow you to manage code execution after an asynchronous operation is complete.

Yes, that’s correct. In Swift, when you use an escaping closure as a parameter to a function, the commands inside that closure are executed after the function has completed its execution.

This behavior is particularly useful in scenarios where you’re dealing with asynchronous tasks. Let’s break down the flow of execution:

  1. The function is called, and it initiates some asynchronous operation or a task.
  2. The function doesn’t wait for the asynchronous task to complete and immediately continues with the next statements or returns.
  3. Meanwhile, in the background, the asynchronous task is in progress.
  4. ==Once the asynchronous task completes, the closure (the code inside it) is executed.==

Here’s a simplified example:

func fetchData(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
    // Simulating an asynchronous task
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
        // This code inside the closure is executed after 2 seconds
        print("Data fetched!")
        completion() // Call the closure to notify completion
// Calling the function with an escaping closure
fetchData {
    // This code is executed immediately after calling fetchData,
    // but the code inside the fetchData closure is executed later.
    print("Fetching data initiated.")

In this example, “Fetching data initiated.” will be printed immediately after calling fetchData, but “Data fetched!” will be printed after the asynchronous task completes, which is 2 seconds later in this simulated case. This demonstrates how escaping closures help in handling asynchronous tasks and executing code when the task is finished.