TameemIbnAusAdDaree (ra): The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We said, “To whom?” He (ﷺ) said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.” [Muslim]

On the authority of

This hadith was narrated by Tamim ibn Aus ad-Dari, also known as Abu Ruqayyah.

When you have Alif + Lam in front of certain words that are singular/plural it means general. Thus teh word الدِّينُ means ‘all of the religion / the religion in it’s entirety’ is sincere advice.

What doesNaseehah mean?

The scholars says that naseehah means (for a person) to uphold the rights of others (fulfill the rights of others). → Wanting good for others. The prophet then mentioned the 5 things you have to give sincere adivce in:

  1. For Allah
    • Learn about Allah
    • Worship Him alone
    • Learn the names of Allah
    • To obey Him → Enjoin what has been perscribed
    • To stay away from what He has prohibited
  2. For the Book of Allah
    • Read
    • Memorize
    • Understand
    • Reflect upon it
  3. For the Messenger of Allah
    • Uphold the sunnah of the prophet
    • Understand the hadith
    • Obey him
    • Stay away from what he and Allah has prohibited
    • Defend him
  4. For the Leaders of the Muslims
    • Not revolt against them
    • Help them
    • Taat on things that are not haram
  5. For the General Muslims
    • To help
    • Giving them directions
    • Prevent them from doing what has been forbidden
    • Wanting good for them for the sake of Allah

Thus a muslim must uphold the rights of Allah, the Qur’an, the Messenger, the Leader, and other muslims. The person who upholds the rights of Allah, the Qur’an, and the Messenger, they are benefitting theirselves only. Whereas if one also upholds the rights of the Leader & other muslims, they are benefitting both themselves and the other person they are giving adivce to.