The Fourth Principle

Created: October 12, 2021 2:14 AM

The Fourth Principle

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⚠️ There is no exact english translation thus, go to the elaboration. But in an essence it is :

The evidence within the names of Allāh for His being and His attributes is through: 

(a) equivalence; 

(b) implication; and 

(c) correlation.



  • Mutabaqqah (equivalence) : to match up (congruent, compatibility, coherent) with something else. What we mean is that the word itself matches up with the meaning.

    Example : the name Al-Khaliq matches up with the meaning of Al-Khaliq (perfectly). The name is not more than the meaning, and the meaning is not more than the name. Al-Khaliq is the one who creates.

    In contrast to the creation, a person may have the name Noor, but is it equivalent? Is the Noor present? 

    👉 Allah’s name is Al-Khaliq and Allah is Al-Khaliq. 

  • Taddhammun (implication) : this name encompasses the name (by itself( of Allah as well as an attribute (by itsef) of Allah. Each one of them encompasses the other. In Arabic, you can’t have a name without an attribute.

    👉 You can’t say someone is Al-Khaliq unless they can create.

  • I’tizam (correlation) ********: certain things must be true in order for that name to be true.

    The name Al-Khaliq has to indicate Allah’s knowlede and power.

    👉 You can’t have something without something else.

    QS At-Talaq:12

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    > so you may know that Allah is Most Capable of everything and that Allah certainly encompasses all things in ˹His˺ knowledge.


    The shaikh said that this is very important for a student of knowledge because if you are able to make those correlation, you are able to extract many beneits from as single evidence.


    Principle regarding I’tizam

    The speech of Allah and the speech of The Messenger of Allah is true, therefore what they indicate /what they lead you to must be true.

    Allah Subhanawataala knows (as His knowledge is infinite). Therefore findins form one evidene to another must be intended.

    What about the situation of someone that is different from what Allah and His messenger said?