
Even though the Makkah period is longer than the Madinah period, the number of lines are more because the source of narrations are more. The Madinah period serves as a starting point of the Prophet’s victory. He managed to establish and spread Islam within the span of just 10 years.

Benefit :

  • Many scholars accomplishes so much within a short amount of time.
  • Some scholars believes the key to these scholars is humility. They beg to Allah. They achieve these things not because they have more time but because they asked Allah and their neediness of him. The more a slave needs Allah, Allah will take care of their affairs.


Thus, the one contented arrived in Taybah, for certain,


having reached the age of fifty three


on a Monday. He remained there


for ten full years as we shall recount.

Why Monday is so special?

  1. The prophet was born on a Monday
  2. He was appointed as prophet on a Monday
  3. He left Makkah to Madinah on Monday
  4. He arrived in Madinah on Monday
  5. He passed away on Monday

This daleel can be used as an evidence against Mawlid.

The Story of the Cave

When the prophet & Abu Bakr was being chased by Quraish they reached a cave. Upon entering, Abu Bakr insisted that he went inside first. He used his hand to wipe and try to trace for any dangerous animals. He found a hole (a place of living of the cratures) & ripped his lower garment and blocked it. There were 2 more and he used his legs to cover these holes. Then he called the prophet and said β€œCome in O Messenger of Allah”. The prophet placed his head on AbuBakr’s lap and fell asleep. AbuBakr got stung. Even though he was feeling pain he was afraid that he might wake the Rasulullah. Because he is still human, he cried and his tear fell to the face of the prophet. As it is apparent to the prophet, he then appliead his saliva on the injury and the pain. disappeared.

The First Year in Madinah

The 5 Daily Prayers are Established


In the first year, salaah of a resident was made complete,

In Makkah, they used to pray all the 5 prayers in 2 rakaats. On the first year of hijrah, the number of rakaats in the salah is like the ones we do now.

The First Jumuah


this was after he prayed Jumuβ€˜ah - listen to my words.

This happened after the first Jumuah prayer. Ibn Kathir views this in Al Bidayah Wan Nihayah, as the first Jumuah prayer ever. This is because it was not possible for the Messenger to pray in a congregation back in Makkah. The house of Al-Arkam was only a place to teach knowledge, to do da’wah, etc.

The First Mosque - Masjid Quba


He then constructed a masjid at Qubaa’,

When the Prophet came to Madinah, he entered a city where there are Jews, who has always been enemies of the Arabs, and he has to teach the people about the deen. The first thing he did was to establish a Masjid. The thing the muslims couldn’t do in Makkah was to pray openly, so they made Hijrah specifically for that, they needed a place to pray. This shows how integral the Masjid is to a person’s daily life. The Masjid serves not only as a place to pray but also a place to learn and form brotherhood and sisterhood.

Benefit :

How many of us think about the Masjid first when we are moving to a new location?

Praying in Congregation

The ruling is either wajib or mustahab (highly recommended)

The scholars take different views regarding this. Scholars have this discussion because

Some say its fard kifayah - obligatory but not for everyone.

Madhabs views :

  • Imam Ahmad : waajib

  • Imam Shafii : highly recommended. When we say something is highly recommended, it does not mean you can just leave it off.

  • Hanafi :

    The congregational prayer is not abandoned in a state o fear (war) or mourn. They reduced the number of rakaats, and took out some of the pillars, but the jamaah remains.

For the woman it is better for a woman is better to pray at home. We can’t exactly say that the woman gets equal amount of reward but we know that Allah is bountiful in giving rewards, so perhaps she may get equal or even more. She has already made an effort to do what’s best for her.

The Second Mosque - Masjid An-Nabawai


as well as the masjid in the noble city, al-Madeenah.

The Prophet found a spot and he purchased it from 2 orphans. He paid them with dates (back then it was a form of currency). When the Prophet’s Masjid was being built, he took part of the building of the Masjid. This shows his humility. While building it, they would chanted the following

”O Allah the reward is the reward of the next life, have mercy on the Anshar and the Muhajirin”


Then, around it, he built his dwellings.

Then around the masjid he built his house. This shows his, Salalllahualaihiwassalam’s priority. The masjid first, then the house. This shows we should try our best to live close to the masjid. He had 9 houses for each of his wives. The first house he built was for Saudah, his second wife, and the third house was for Aisha. He only built the house when there was a need (when he got married each time).

Several hadith mentioned the conditions of the Prophet’s house which was very small. Some narrated it was 10 arm span in width and 8 span in height. Another narration by Aisha mentioned that Aisha would have to move her feet when she was laying down when the prophet would make sujood. The benefit from this is : if having big and nice houses (wealth) was something that was honourable, Allah would have surely given it to the Prophet first.

4 things of value in this world :

  1. Dzikrullah - The remembrance of Allah
  2. That which comes through the remembrance of Allah (worship)
  3. A person who has knowledge (scholars)
  4. A person who seeks knowledge (student of knowledge)

Point : do have your share of this dunya but don’t forget to set the priorities straight


Later this year arrived


less than half of those who had travelled


to the lands of Habashah when they migrated.


In the same year, the noblest of all elite established ties of brotherhood


between the Muhaajireen and Ansaar.

We Cannot Love the Kuffar

They are the people of shirk, and Allah declared the non believers as the enemies of Allah. You can’t befriend with the enemies of Allah. But we don’t act unjust towards them out of hatred.


QS Al-Mumthananah (60:4)

There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people, β€œIndeed, we are disassociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone” except for the saying of Abraham to his father, β€œI will surely ask forgiveness for you, but I have not [power to do] for you anything against Allah. Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination.

β€˜those with him’ means the prophets

QS Al-Imran (3:28)

Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.

QS Al-Imran (3:29)

Say, β€œWhether you conceal what is in your breasts or reveal it, Allah knows it. And He knows that which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth. And Allah is over all things competent.

The Second Year in Madinah


The battle of al-Abwaa’ took place afterwards, in Safar.


Subsequently, in the second year, combat spread

Imam Al Baghdadi brought a narration from the son of Saad ibn Abi Waqqas

’Our father (Saad ibn Abi Waqqas).. This is the legacy of your ancestors, so do not forsake telling it'

'We would study the battles of the prophet like we would study the Qur’an’

  • Ghazwah : the battle the Prophet fought along
  • Sarayah : the battle where the Prophet sent out troops

There is a narration from Ibn Hajar from Ibn Saad that said the prophet fought in 27 battles (ghazwat) but if the saraya were included it would be 70+ battles.