The First Principle

Created: September 20, 2021 7:23 PM

The First rinciple

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****_Asmaullahi taala kulluha husna_ which means All of Allah’s names are husna (good)



  1. QS Al-A’raf 7:180

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  1. QS Al-Isra’ 17:110

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  1. QS Taha 20:8

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  1. QS Al-Hashr 59:24

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  • What does β€˜husna’ mean?

Β  Β  That they reach the pinnacle of al-husna. Roughly translates as perfectly beautiful. It originated from the word hasan & hasna (beautiful in arabic). Here it referes to the absolute pinnacle of complete and total perfection & beauty for all of Allah’s names.

  • When the sheikh mentions that Allah’s names are at the pinnacle, he doesn’t mean that there is a limit. What the sheikh means is an absolute or unlimited perfection.

  • What makes these names perfect?

Β  Β  Because these names encompass perfect attributes.

Β  Β  What makes these names perfect are not just titles, they are real as they have attributes.

Β  Β  The attributes are perfect.

Β  Β  There are no deficiencies in Allah’s names in any way.

  • 3 ways a name can be deficient :

Β  Β  1. A deficient name

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Β  Β  2. There are some names which have possibilities of good & bad meaning (ambiguous)

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Something that has a possibility of being good and bad cannot be called husna.

Β  Β  3. The deficiency is related to something conencted to the nameΒ 

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Β  Β  Β  Β  It’s not the word itself, but what you do with the word that matters.

  • 4 categories of names

Β  Β  From the reasons stated above, we can group names into 4 categories

Β  Β  1. Names that are perfectly beautiful (husna)

Β  Β  Β  Β  Names ascribed to Allah are those that in and within themselves perfect and dont need any clarification to understand their perfection.

Β  Β  2. Names that are deficient, ugly, weak, (the opposite of husna)

Β  Β  3. Names that can be perfect and deficient (dual possibility)

Β  Β  4. Names that needs something added to them to be perfect, other than that, they are not perfect.

  • Benefits of the Qawaid

Β  Β  1. Helps you understand names that are ascribed to Allah and those that aren’t.

Β  Β  2. When you are talking to someone, you can bring the principles.


  • Al-Hayy, the Ever-Living

Β  Β  - An infinitely perfect life.

Β  Β  - This living is encompassed within the name Al-Hayy.

Β  Β  - How is Allah’s life and livig unlike of His creations’?

Β  Β  Β  Β  - This life was never precedded by nothingness. There was never a time when Allah did not exist. There was never a time when Allah was never a life.

Β  Β  Β  Β  - Allah’s living, life, will never cease, and He has always been living.

Β  Β  - This name itself, necessitates other names.

Β  Β  - All of Allah’s names that refers back to himself, they go back to Al-Hayy, and all of Allah’s names that refers back to his creations, they go back to Al-Qayyun, the one who sustains his creations. Thus why both names have encompassed the all of Allah names. dilalat al nuzum.

  • Al Alim, the All-Knowing

Β  Β  - Perfect knowledge

Β  Β  - How is Allah’s knowledge unlike of His creations’?

Β  Β  Β  Β  - The knowledge was never preceeded with ignorance.

Β  Β  Β  Β  - The knowledge was never followed with forgetfulness.

Β  Β  - It is a knowledge that encompasses all things in general and in detail, whether it relates to His actions or the actions of His creatures.

Β  Β  - QS Al-An’am 6:59

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  • Ar Rahman, the Most Merciful

Β  Β  - Perfect mercy

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  • The perfect beauty of each of Allah’s names is found in the name individually or when a name is joined with another name, it is perfection upon perfection.