Automatic Reference Counting & Retain Cycles → Memory Leaks in Closures

Automatic Reference Counting is Swift’s way to keep track of how many strong references are pointing to a specific instance.

  • to track and manage memory usage
  • don’t need to think about it yourself
  • autmatically frees up memory used by class instances when they are no longer needed
  • only applies to instances of classes because they are reference type while enums & structs are values types thus not stored and passed by reference.
  • Everytime an instance of a class is created/instantiated, ARC takes a chunk of memory to store information about that instance
  • Whenever that instance is no longer needed, that memory is freed by ARC so that it can be used for other things

[! Question] How to ensure that ARC does not deallocate an instance while it is still being used?

ARC works by tracking the number of:

  • properties
  • constants
  • variables that are being referred in the instance of the class

Thus, as long as there is one active reference to that instance, it still exists in memory. This is the reason we have strong & weak reference types. Whenever we create a variable of optional type, that it is automatically initialized with a value of nil. Then we create a new instance of that type and assign it

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Strong reference cycle/retain cycle occurs when two or more objects hold strong references to each other, preverenting ARC from deallocating these objects which may cause memory leak.

Real World Scenarios of ARC

1. Delegate Pattern: • In the delegate pattern, one object delegates certain responsibilities to another object. Using a strong reference in this scenario can create a retain cycle. • For example, a view controller might be a delegate to a custom view. Making the delegate reference weak ensures that the view controller can be deallocated when needed.

protocol CustomViewDelegate: class {
    // Some delegate methods
class CustomView: UIView {
    weak var delegate: CustomViewDelegate?
  1. Closure Capture: • When using closures, especially in asynchronous operations, capturing self strongly in the closure can lead to retain cycles. • Using [weak self] or [unowned self] in the closure captures ensures that the closure doesn’t keep a strong reference to self, preventing memory leaks.


func fetchDataFromServer(completion: @esc
aping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void) {
    // Asynchronous data fetching
    // ...
    // Call the completion handler when data is ready
    if let data = fetchedData {
    } else {
        let error = NSError(domain: "com.yourapp", code: 42, userInfo: nil)

Calling the function:

  • self (the instance of the object in which the closure is defined).
  • self is a keyword that represents the instance of the current object within a method/property/closure. It’s essentially a way to refer to the current instant of the class or struct.
  • In closures, self helps distinguish between properties or methods of the current instance and those of the closure itself.
  • [weak self] in closures tells the closure to hold a weak reference to the instance of the object.
fetchDataFromServer { [weak self] result in
    // Handle result without creating a strong reference cycle
    self?.updateUI(with: result)

Better Example • To avoid strong reference cycles and potential memory leaks, especially when closures might outlive the object they capture, you use [weak self]. • This specifies that the closure should hold a weak reference to the instance of the object. If the object is deallocated, the weak reference becomes nil, preventing a retain cycle.

class SomeClass {
    var completionHandler: (() -> Void)?
    func startTask() {
        self.completionHandler = { [weak self] in
            // Inside the closure, use '[weak self]' to avoid retain cycles
            print("Task completed by \(self)")

When you use [weak self] inside a closure that is defined within the context of SomeClass, it means:

  1. Instance of SomeClass: [weak self] specifies that self inside the closure refers to an instance of SomeClass. This is because the closure is defined within the context of SomeClass.

  2. Weak Reference: [weak self] further indicates that the closure should hold a weak reference to this instance of SomeClass. This is crucial to prevent a strong reference cycle.

  3. View Controllers and Navigation Controllers: • When dealing with navigation controllers, it’s common to use weak references for delegates or closures to avoid retaining the entire navigation stack. • For instance, when presenting a view controller and specifying a closure for the completion, using weak can prevent unintentional strong references.

navigationController?.pushViewController(nextViewController, animated: true) { [weak self] in
    // Closure executed upon completion, with a weak reference to self

Using weak in these scenarios helps in managing memory more efficiently and prevents potential memory leaks, ensuring that objects are deallocated when they are no longer needed.